Friday, July 31, 2009
The Elusive Snuffleupagus...

Thursday, July 30, 2009
New in The Garden Shed ~ w h i s p e r
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday Wonders ~ Etsy Project Embrace

wonder - a remarkable phenomenon; to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; to marvel
Something that I think is truly 'wonder'ful has happened in the last several weeks, something that raises a person out of themselves and inspires reaching out ~ let me tell you about it.
Fellow Esty shop owner and friend, Laura Slocum of lauraslocumpainted.etsy.com / creativelytangled.etsy.com has recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Laura is sharing her journey with spirit, more courage than I can grasp and great good humour...you can read more about it on her blog .
In support of Laura, and others facing the same walk, Esty Project Embrace has been launched by Etsy sellers and friends, to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Shop owners are donating part or all of the proceeds from their items. You can participate by selecting one or more of your items and tagging with etsyprojectembrace or purchasing an item found by typing etsyprojectembrace as your search term.
This week's items are offered by some of these wonder-ful artists ~ please, have a look. And please click here for all the rest!
I love you SO much typewiter card ~ Maclancy
Mini Frame Pouch Mod Dots on Espresso ~ Oktak
A Bright Brooch for Summer ~ Ginny Huber
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Etsy Fresh Shop Voter
What's Blooming Today? Lilies
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wednesday Wonders ~ Six Spectacular Bags!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Bar Harbor, Maine
Saturday, July 11, 2009
There's no place like home...Etsy Project Embrace

~ Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz
Well, it's good to be home ~ in every way. A few things have happened in the last few days that make this a very heartfelt statement. Home is a word that can fill us with the peaceful certainty we belong somewhere, the joyful understanding that there are people who care about us no matter what, and the freeing gift that we can be ourselves and experience our lives with the support and acceptance of those who accompany us on the journey. Home can make us just plain grateful.
Laura Slocum, of lauraslocumpainted on Etsy, has recently been diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. Her amazing strength and attitude have inspired Etsy Project Embrace, the brainchild of Kim (slinkymalinkicat) and Amy (ThePeachTree), to raise money for cancer research through The American Cancer Society. An ever increasing number of sellers have signed up to donate the proceeds of the sales from some of their listings in support of Laura and this cause. People who have come to know each other, celebrate each other's successes, create treasuries to showcase each other's talents and creations, encourage each other and send beautiful, simple and happy notes to each other and who, like this phenomenal group of Esty sellers, step up to help each other when someone needs it ... have come together ~ hmmm, sounds like home to me.
The following are Laura's words, written to be shared with us all:
I believe that you must play the hand you’re dealt. Six weeks ago, I was diagnosed with stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. My mom died from the same. I am a huge believer in eating right, exercising, and getting regular checkups. I’ve done all those things, yet, I have cancer. WOW. That’s a life-changing situation, for sure. I just turned 46 …. (a very very young 46!) Strangely, I feel blessed. Most everyday of these 6 weeks, I’ve had a smile on my face. I’m going to play the hand I’ve been dealt in the best and most positive way I know how. I’m so fortunate my boys are older, they drive, they can do laundry and help around the house. There will always be some people in this world who have it better and some who have it worse. That’s just life.
I’ve been an Etsy addict since around this time last year, when I started doing treasuries. My sister Jenn, of jennreese7 and my niece Kelly, of SweetnessJewelry, are also crazy about Etsy. The one thing I’ve learned in the past year is that Etsy has made it a point to have their competing sellers be friends through promoting each other in the treasuries. That sounds kind of funny, but, on the quest to have the “coveted” FP, we create treasuries, we comment on other treasuries, we “convo” people all over the world to congratulate them on their successes, and we make friends. Aren’t we supposed to be competing for sales?? Well, maybe some things are just more important than sales. From the moment I had a diagnosis, while still in the hospital, my Etsy friends were first on the scene – building treasuries just for me, wishing me well, offering advice, sending gifts, and a few have gone so far as to donate proceeds to the American Cancer Society in my honor!! Just to remind you………these are people ....I’VE NEVER MET! They have completely gone out of their way to be a friend or try to put a smile on my face. I now even talk to some of them on the phone! Now, I’m not talking 2 or 3 friends, I’m talking like 30 or 40! Some people just have checked my profile and offer words of encouragement!
The first day that we learned about my chemo and all the ‘ins and outs’, the ‘goods and bads’, etc., my husband went online to search for support groups. He said to me that night, “I will never do that again, I was so depressed that I had to get off the computer” I said, in reply, “I don’t need support groups, I all need are my friends on Etsy”! They lift me up on a daily basis. It is Sunday. Tomorrow morning, I will leave my house at 7:30 am for my first round of chemo. I will have an IV drip for about 6 hours and be home around 5:00 pm. I will do that again on Tuesday, then again on Wednesday. then again on the following Monday. I look forward to 8 months of that chemo schedule, followed by another year of some form of maintenance chemo.
There are 4 things I know for sure:
1. I am a Christian and I believe God has a plan for me.
2. I believe in myself to do the very best I can do and try to help others in the process by getting my story out there.
3. I have the most wonderful and supportive husband, family and friends.
4. Logging onto Etsy everyday and hearing from my friends will keep this smile on my face, not matter what I am going through.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
a bit of a vacation...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Wednesday Wonders ~ Cat Ludwig Studios

...the blue of the door and the old latch make this one of my favorites