
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Summer Wedding

Tiger lilies...
an early summer wedding...
SIX bridesmaids...
A few weeks ago, I received a note from the sweetest bride asking if I would design and create the wedding jewelry for her beautiful bridesmaids. She sent me photos of her sister and closest friends, with arms linked and laughing, clearly a gaggle of gorgeous girls!
It's been my pleasure to create pieces for weddings in the past, but this was the largest wedding party I've worked with~ each piece had to be similar yet suited to each bridesmaid~ an honor and a challenge to be sure. It had to be right!
After lots of notes and photos back and forth, consideration of her wedding style, colors and theme, descriptions of the bridesmaids' personalities and taste (the bride hoped they would be able to wear them after the wedding as well), we arrived at six variations of a similar design.
I mixed metals, finishes, earring length and detail to appeal to each girl and then created the bracelets with dangles that matched each pair of earrings.

I had such fun packaging everything for each bridesmaid~ and I received word this morning they have all arrived safely in plenty of time for the big day! The bride has been an absolute pleasure to work with~ I hope her wedding is everything she wishes it to be!
At the moment, I can't believe I didn't photograph all the finished pieces together but here is a sampling of the designs...I had alot of fun too!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Garden Path...

A quiet spot in a wee woodsy corner of the garden~
I've neglected almost all my 'normal' online activities for a few weeks now (including my poor blog) and been up to my nose in the garden...have a look!
views of the main garden and shed...I love seeing the lake in the distance!
We had an huge oak tree that had to be cut down a couple of years ago (we counted 122 rings in the trunk!) which left a huge spot in the yard that got full sun~ well of course I couldn't resist and a new garden was born. Most of the plants were moved from several older beds that were all overgrown...lots of them needed to be divided and honestly, I had just walked right on by for more summers than I care to remember. They've established themselves and filled in nicely in just it's second year! And the flower boxes are overflowing~ I love it!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

~ June ~

And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.
~ James Russell Lowell
...flips flops, popsicles, watermelon, lemonade, sandy beaches, swimming to the raft, roses, long sunny days, buzzing bees and lazy afternoons in the hammock~ just around the corner!