
Friday, May 15, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award...

Well... I've been awarded the Kreativ Blogger award by the lovely Kerrin of Sigmosaics from her wonderful blog! Now I need to list 7 things I love and then name 7 more people who I think deserve this award (get ready)!!! I'm not sure how I will narrow it to 7 (in either category!) but here goes...
1. I love my wonderful husband....and can I include my nieces, nephews, friends and family here?!?
2. I love color, visual balance, detail ~ while making jewelry, creating a beautiful table setting, a flower arrangment, decorating a room...
3. I love words, quotes and stories, reading and books.
4. I love to organize and arrange make pretty and pleasing...
5. I love my garden, garden junk, vintage stuff with a story and well worn appearance...
6. I love photography ~ playing with light and color!
7. I love to travel, see new things and places...
and NOW, the Kreativ Blogger Award goes to
Enjoy their amazing blogs!


  1. Congrats to you!
    And wow was I surprised that you awarded me this, my first, thanks so much!

  2. I was getting ready to post a congratulations, when I saw me name listed. Thanks so much. I am touched :) And by the way...congratulations!

  3. well the same for me--- i was just coming to see your list of 7 and discovered my name on your list!-- karon--how thoughtful and what a surprise!!! i send you a great big hug!!!

    now i know this may seem obtuse--but i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do next!

    p.s-- i enjoyed reading your list-- beautiful!!

  4. much in common!! a delight to read more about you Karon :-) This is a gorgeous award ..!

    have a superb weekend .. in your garden, or with photography, or reading .. it'll be lovely indeed!

    Kerrin x

  5. Thank you for your lovely comments ladies! I love all your blogs (but that would have been number 8! heehee) Just 'printscreen' the award from above, load on your own blog, list your 7 loves and bestow the award on 7 bloggers you love! I can't wait to see what you all love as well!

  6. It is great reading about you! We have a lot in common! Thanks for the award, totally surprised!
