
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday Wonders ~ Etsy Project Embrace

wonder - a remarkable phenomenon; to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; to marvel

Something that I think is truly 'wonder'ful has happened in the last several weeks, something that raises a person out of themselves and inspires reaching out ~ let me tell you about it.

Fellow Esty shop owner and friend, Laura Slocum of / has recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Laura is sharing her journey with spirit, more courage than I can grasp and great good can read more about it on her blog .

In support of Laura, and others facing the same walk, Esty Project Embrace has been launched by Etsy sellers and friends, to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Shop owners are donating part or all of the proceeds from their items. You can participate by selecting one or more of your items and tagging with etsyprojectembrace or purchasing an item found by typing etsyprojectembrace as your search term.

This week's items are offered by some of these wonder-ful artists ~ please, have a look. And please click here for all the rest!

I love you SO much typewiter card ~ Maclancy

Mini Frame Pouch Mod Dots on Espresso ~ Oktak

A Bright Brooch for Summer ~ Ginny Huber

Bee Earrings ~ The Peach Tree


  1. What amazing artists and kind hearts! Love your features. It is because of you Karon, that I found out about Laura and joined the project. For that, I am very grateful.

  2. hi there karon-- i was lured by your post on dashboard regarding EPE and so came and found your feature-- thanks a whole bunch..
    -- a nice surprise to find the cravat among other lovely goodies. more important though is the fact that you are helping to keep the team effort going by posting a fresh bit of info regarding the group and laura.. nice going!!

    and i just love billie and nat king cole- what beautiful accompaniment!!! XO!

  3. thanks so much girls for your sweet comments and your support for EPE as well! you are both doing an amazing job with treasuries and posts and the forums and everything! xoxo

    (and I love billie and nat as well!)
