
Friday, October 30, 2009

We Have Walls!

We have walls! The weather has been sunny and dry this week with everyone working like busy bees...some of the interior wall are up as well so we are beginning to see what everything will really look like. After a couple of years of pouring over plans and computer models, it's so exciting to see it in reality. I hope the weather holds!


  1. Wow! I can tell already it's going to be beautiful -- and what a lovely location! Can't wait to watch it progress!

  2. How exciting for you Karon- it looks like it will be amazing!

  3. hi girls ~ thanks for stopping by! it is very exciting to see it actually happening...(big grin)!

  4. How that water I see in the background?

  5. hi rose...yes, it's a lake. we've lived here in the summer for more than 20 years and are planning on spending more and more time here!

  6. Building is indeed an exciting process! I love the framing, especially, because of the rhythm of the lines! My husband and I built our house... spent EVERY weekend and every summer vacation working on it for 3+ years. John designed it after we talked about what we wanted. It began with a cottage my father-in-law built back in the late 50s/early 60s, but it went through extensive renovation and addition to become what it is today. We had fun working on it, for the first 3 years... and I learned an awful lot, and overcame my fear of ladders and heights... but then it got old and I really just wanted it done! I was so ready to move into it! We've been living here 5 years now and it's definitely the most special place in the world to us, no less so because it came from our own hands.
