
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Handmade Holidays... Deck the Halls in Red and White

Last Christmas, simple red and white holiday decor made me swoon... and the obsession cntinues this season. Here are a few of my favorites- 1. Personalized Christmas Stocking by NanaMontana 2. Miniature Bird by doudoubirds 3. Believe Sign by CowCountryCreations 4. Silver Snowflake Embroidery Hoop by sometimesiswirl 5. Hanging Plate by owlcreekceramics 6. Wood Reindeer, White Christmas by SlippinSouthern 7. Folk Art Reindeer by RawBoneStudio 8. Red and White Christmas Ornament by LoveMeOrnamentals


  1. I love the red and white!!! So crisp and so reminiscent of childhood! Lovely!!! xo

  2. yes, cait-- exactly...what feels like a simpler time...great memories and beautiful holiday spirit.
