So, in no particular order, here goes:
1. Shipping and Packaging
* Order shipping supplies - jewelry boxes, shipping boxes, bubblewrap, envelopes, tissue paper, ribbon, business cards and customs forms
* Prep shipping area - precut bubblewrap, ribbon, tissue
* Begin to prepare holiday themed Thank You notes
* Gather and prepare gift wrapping - boxes, paper, ribbon, gift tags
* Find out Canada Post's shipping deadlines for the holiday season and post in my shop. Add to Message to Buyer for completed purchases.
2. Shop
* Change banner and avi to holiday theme
* Update shop sections
* Update shop announcement, policies, profile
* List all holiday items including new pieces, gift sets, ornaments and holiday themed items
* Stay on top of all paperwork
3. Inventory
* Stock up on raw materials - make a list of what I need and order by September 1
* Pre-make as many pieces as possible
* Photograph all new pieces
* Tag all items
* Create new pieces for the holiday season.
4. Promotions
* Plan and prepare all holiday promotions
* Prepare monthly newsletters for September to December
* Keep blog up to date
* Keep FanPage up to date
* Stay active on my team and community and make some fabulous treasuries!
5. Local Events - Prepare inventory and booth for each of the following:
* Fredericton Fall Craft Show - October
* Christmas at the Market - November
* Christmas in the Village in Gagetown - November
* The Kubbyhole - October to December
6. Personal
* Gift shopping - make list
* Gift wrapping, mail away gifts by November 30
* Holiday decorating - boughs and lights outside, tree and inside decorations
* Plan Christmas dinner and invite guests
soooooo-- lots to do but I feel so much better! what's on your list?
karon xo
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