
Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Beach Lover's Shadow Box and Making a House a Home

"The home should be the treasure chest of living."  ~ LeCorbusier
Last spring, our niece and nephews (and their parents) spent a couple of weeks with us here in Maui. Everyone loves the beach and when we weren't boogie boarding or sunning ourselves, we beachcombed tirelessly, collecting treasures from beaches all over the island. Heart shaped bits of coral, lava and shell were pounced upon like nuggets of gold and we learned that Sophie could spot the tiniest piece of colorful sea glass at 20 paces - it was a blast! I corralled it all in a large clear glass pitcher on a shelf in the family room and have enjoyed the happy memories each time I look at the collection.
For me, (we've done this a few times!) a new house becomes a home over time as life is lived - family and friends get together, experiences are created, stories are told, great dinners are cooked and eaten, laughter is shared, messes are made, family members are stumbled over morning after morning reaching for the cereal box and the bits and pieces that decorate your home have memories attached
I was cleaning in the family room the other day and while dusting our pitcher of shells, my glance fell upon a little white heart shaped shell piece pressed against the glass...AND, I had the idea to make a shadow box with some of these pretties! A visit to the local craft store resulted in a 14" square shadow box frame, several colored and textured scrapbook papers and a new glue gun. The aqua paper matched the bathroom the best so using that as the background I selected and laid out about 25 pieces in a 5x5 grid. Glued in place and secured in the frame, I think it makes a gorgeous, memory-filled art piece for our home.

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