
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Improving My Skills ~ Tube Setting

...if you've recently visited Wild Woman on Facebook, you have perhaps witnessed my first attempt at creating a tube setting :).  I will not be discouraged! Here is attempt number two - still not perfect but the stones are definitely set!
I was able to get a head start at home yesterday (thank goodness or I would never have finished these).  Many of my new tools have arrived and I've expanded my little bench to include soldering, pickling and some finish work. (Look at that shiny white soldering pad ~ I can hardly find the solder on my one at home!). I like to take my time and often feel a bit pressured at the studio because others are waiting to use equipment.  Being able to work at my own pace and kind of fumble along, is much more relaxing!
So, in a few steps, here is my second go!
 1. I measured and marked the depth of the settings on the sterling silver tube.
2.  Each little setting is sawed as evenly as possible (I've seen a vise tool for this and if I decide to make a lot of these, I'll be ordering it!)
3.  File both ends of each setting flat.
4. The tiny tubes (these are 4.5mm) are ready, the silver wire is cut and filed flat for the posts and two sparkly cubic zirconia stones are waiting to shine. The open back of this type of setting is great for allowing lots of light the shine through the stone faceting so it really sparkles!
1. The posts are soldered to the tube setting. They need to be trimmed to about 1cm in length and filed to smooth the ends for a good connection when soldered.
2. and 3. Ready to be cleaned by pickling.
4. Ready for the studio.  There I will use my 4mm burr and the flexshaft to drill the setting for the stones inside the tube.  I was able to complete all these steps at home - YAY!
5.  My photographic documentation broke down after this stage, but here is one of the settings after drilling and ready for the stone.
Not Shown: The stones are set using handy little stone setting punches, my bezel rocker and burnisher. 
Voila! The next pair will be even better :)