
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

'Craft Show Preparedness Psychosis'

I suffer from a very specific syndrome - it's called 'Craft Show Preparedness Psychosis'.  Over the years, I've planned, set up for and participated in many art and craft shows.  I've made lists, created inventory, cleaned my inventory, designed my booth, packed, unpacked and packed again, tagged and priced hundreds of pieces, set up, taken down and enjoyed it too.  You'd think I would be well rehearsed for it all but, I'm STILL terrified I will forget something! The only remedy I've found that eases the worry is to completely set up my booth in our basement first and then disassemble and pack it for the car from there. Then I KNOW I have everything! 

So, for the last two weeks, I've spent time everyday preparing.  I set up the tables, lighting and signage as they will be at the show and as I select the pieces I will bring, they are cleaned, inspected, packaged, tagged, priced and arranged. I have a small table for myself where I manage sales, packaging and projects I'm working on at the show and I set that up too. Then I take photos of the 'whole shebang' so I know where everything goes and I'm all ready.  It's alot of work but the upside of this is twofold - I will have everything I need so I will sleep between now and the show AND set up at the show is a piece of cake! Everything is already figured out :) The only things left to add are the fabric to cover the tables and put up my banner.

I'm almost ready - here are a few pics!

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